Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh pregnancy hormones how i love thee

Today wasn't the best day. I am currently 35 weeks 3 days pregnant and feeling EVERY bit of it. As mentioned before, I am still teaching full time, and well, I have decided that teaching and being this pregnant thing really don't mix. My precious little boy has decided that he likes to spend an enumerable amount of time in my ribs which creates some pretty intense pain, not only in my ribs but in my back as well. Most days I can tolerate it, but today, it was pretty unbearable. I try not to take medicine, but I did break down and take 1 extra strength tylenol today, but let's face it, tylenol just isn't the best drug.

So, my back hurts, I don't sleep well at night, and because I teach high school which starts at the ungodly hour of 7:25 am, I try to wake up by 5:30am. This doesn't bode well when you don't sleep, and all you want to do is crawl back into the warm comfort of your bed. Needless to say, I just wasn't feeling this Monday morning.

Throughout the day about 5 or 6 people commented to me, "wow! you got bigger!" At first I just smiled and nodded, but when it came to the 3rd or 4th person, I was getting somewhat annoyed. I mean seriously, what do they think happens when you are getting ready to give birth in a month?? I know that not one of these people meant that comment to hurt my feelings, but what I heard was, "wow you fat cow, are you going to get any bigger!" and by then end of the day, I just couldn't take that comment anymore. So, when a very close friend of mine decided to say, "I think you got even bigger over the weekend," I snapped at her and said, "well I do have a baby in there who is gonna be coming out very soon!" and pretty much walked away from her. As I was walking away, I felt so bad. I had to call her and apologize. Luckily, she is an amazing friend and completely understood the hormonal breakdown I was experiencing. However, word to the wise: a pregnant woman doesn't want to hear how big she is getting. We know. We look in the mirror at ourselves daily. When we can't see our feet anymore, we already know that we are getting bigger. We have doctor's appointments where we get told just how much weight we are gaining. We have to buy pants with elastic waste bands, and we can't wait to wear normal clothes again. We know. You don't need to tell us. and while I am ranting, if you want to know how I am doing and I say, "Well, I haven't been sleeping." Please don't say, "well just wait until the baby comes." I realize that I won't be sleeping once Jack comes. I am not a moron. But, right now, I am still tired, and right now, when you ask how I am, I am incredibly tired.

With all this said, I am SOOOOOO incredibly excited for the birth of this little guy! I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Everything that I complain about, everything that seems tough right now is completely worth it! I wouldn't trade the weight gain, the tiredness, the aches and pains for anything. I can't wait to meet my son.

1 comment:

  1. Stooge..
    How true! People are so insensitive when it comes to pregnant women. I always got the "how far are you?" I would say something normal like 30 weeks or something and they'd say "Oh my gosh you look like you are about to will never make it to your due date"...
    well you know what people?? at least I have a reason for a big belly. You don't. I have a baby in there, and you don't.
    I'm sorry people say stuff, and I'm sorry you had a rough day. You are will be all worth it, and this will only be a distant memory. As for sleep goes, I guess people who have been through it say "just wait till the baby comes" because they think it will somehow cheer you up. Instead, it makes you wonder what the heck you really got yourself into:)
    You will sleep so good after baby comes...although it is short bursts, your body is amazing and does awesome things when needed to. You will be tired so sleep will be precious and refreshing. However, that only lasts for a little bit, too! Love you and so exicted!
